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How to Install and Use DarkFly - Tool in Termux - Mr Idealhat

How to Install and Use DarkFly - Tool in Termux

Hello guys, We are going to install Darkfly - Tool in termux. Which will help you to install more than 500+ tools within one click. This tool is made by Ranginang67

You can download the script of this tool, so that you can install and execute this tool even if you don't remember commands because you can save this PDF file now.

What is DarkFly - Tool?

DarkFly - Tool is a tool which can be used to install more than 500+ tools just with one click. You can install all these tools of your choice within one click, which will save your time and efforts.

Advantage of this tool is that you don't have to search and install any tool manually. You can do itjust by one click or from one place. 


This tool is only for educational purpose and this site does not promote any illegal activity. If you are any misuse of this information. Then only you will be responsible for that. 


There are some requirements which are met to be to use this tool. So make sure that you met with the requirements of this tool before installing it.
  • Must have termux application
  • Must have knowledge of termux basics
  • Must have an internet connection
  • Must have some storage almost 100MB or extra will you use this tool.
  • Have patience

How to use DarkFly - Tool?

DarkFly Tool is a place where more than 500 tools are present there and you can easily install them, just in a click. Darkfly is used to install tools only which are present there. You can install all the tool just in one or two clicks.


Install DarkFly - Tool in Termux

Here are some steps which you can follow to install DarkFly - Tool in termux!

apt update

apt upgrade -y

apt install python python2 git -y

git clone [URL] (URL is present in pdf file because of some policies)

cd DarkFly-Tool

python2 install.py

If it's getting error you can follow other given commands also.

chmod +x *

python2 install.py

if all commands worked successfully, Tool will install all requirements in termux and exit from termux. Note that Darkfly directory also be deleted after successfull installation.

To execute this tool, just type



Here is the link which you can use to download the PDF of DarkFly - Tool


Here we have successfully installed and used DarkFly - Tool in termux and know that we can install more than 500 tools just in one click. We don't need to do it manually and we have also downloaded PDF also for future. 

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